Thai Sirakorn Public Co., Ltd. |

Dividend Policy & Payment

The Company intends to operate on the basis of good, transparent and accountable corporate management with primary consideration given to the accomplice to the utmost ability to make profits in return for shareholders. And maintaining the stakeholders with fairness. Against corruption in the organization and between all stakeholders. Also aware of shareholders right as the investors and the owner of the company. Therefore, in order to increase the value for shareholders in the long term, the company has set a diviend payout policy of the company and subsidiaries as follows:

Dividend payout policy of the company and subsidiaries

The company has the policy to pay dividends to shareholders at a rate of not less than 50 percent of the net profit of the company financial statements after taxes and legal reserves and other reserves. (if any) However, the aforementioned dividend payment may change. Which will depend on the performance, financial status, liquidity, business expansion, Also demand for working capital, Investment plans and future business expansion, market conditions, suitability and other factors Related to the operations and administration of the company. Under the condition that company must have enough cash for business operations And the aforementioned action must bring maximum benefit to the shareholders as the Board of Directors and/or the shareholders of the Company deems appropriate. The dividend payment approval must be proposed for approval to the shareholders' meeting. Excluding the interim dividend payment which the Board of Directors have the approve authority for  the interim dividends payment and report to the next shareholders' meeting.

Board Date X-Date Payment Date Dividend Type Dividend (per Share) Unit Operation Period
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